International team of experts in marketing and distribution <span class="decor-i">pharmaceutical products</span>
— Connecting, we help many

International team of experts in marketing and distribution pharmaceutical products

Scale, professionalism

Scale, professionalism

The development of the market

The development of the market

A full cycle of promotion

A full cycle of promotion

Development. Reliability

Development. Reliability

Our Mission

We facilitate and accelerate implementation of innovative solutions created for people’s health.

Our team serves as a link connecting excellence of manufacturers and talents of doctors, demands and possibilities of modern society. We assist creators and saviours in achieving their objectives in a faster, easier and more efficient manner.

Mission AlenMed
Our objective is to grant manufacturers of pharmaceutical products an opportunity to conduct innovative business in the new geographic areas.
Read further
Vladimir Starovoitov
CEO, Chairman of the Board
Network of representative offices

AlenMed Promotion SIA Company Head Office is located in Riga, Latvia. Latvian centre coordinates operation of representative offices and the entire range of activities aimed at distribution of our suppliers products in existing markets.

The first representative offices of AlenMed Promotion SIA was opened in Minsk, Belarus. It is here AlenMed Promotion SIA has created the widest distribution network and employed a staff of highly-qualified and experienced medical representatives.

Universal proven technologies for bringing pharmaceutical products to the market allow us to abstract from individual areas, segments or areas of pharmacy

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